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Annual research conference | Economic Policies during Wartime and Post-War Recovery | Day 1
Annual research conference | Economic Policies during Wartime and Post-War Recovery | Day 2
Session 1: Governance for recovery. Day 2.
The Post-World War I Formation of an Autarkic Regional Sugar Economy (Part 1)
OR65 Annual Conference - 75 Years of OR Practice
British Economy after WW1 - Fear of The Bolshevik Brit I THE GREAT WAR 1921
2022 Online Economic History Workshop - War Time Production
2022 TIEMS Annual Conference - Day 5 Session 21
Military Occupation and Post-War Reconstruction of Germany, 1945-49 by Dr Christopher Knowles
David Olusoga: Race and Post-War Migration Policy
2022 TIEMS Annual Conference - Day 3 Session 12
The Rise and Fall of the USSR as a Global Power - Chris Miller